TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 5
Why is AI Important?
AI has recently become a household name through tools like ChatGPT or
Microsoft Copilot. They can help you do a lot of things, from helping you
research, recommending movies to watch, or giving you recipes for your
favorite food! In short, AI can help you with many different tasks, making your
life easier and more efficient.
However, if you have ever tried to order a pizza through Alexa, or asked Siri
to change the song it's playing, or looked through your social media feed,
then you have already used AI. AI does so many incredible things for the world
and is all around us, in places you'd never expect. Even small things like Spotify
playlists are actually a form of AI that helps you figure out what songs you like
to listen to. AI is important because it helps make our lives easier and more
fun! For additional examples of AI in your everyday life, see [BOX].
* Makes Games and Apps Smarter: AI makes video games and apps
smarter by creating smart opponents and assisting apps understanding our
preferences and needs.
* Improves Safety: AI enhances safety in cars by alerting drivers to potential
hazards and even assisting with driving.
* Solves Big Problems: AI helps scientists and doctors find new ways to treat
diseases, protect the environment, and solve other big challenges.
In short, AI is like a super-smart helper that enhances and enriches various
aspects of our lives!
More Real-life Examples of AI
* Netflix uses AI to determine
which shows will most likely grab
your attention.
* Amazon uses AI to suggest
items you might want to buy
based on your past purchases
and searches.
* Google Maps uses AI to plot
routes and estimate timings.
* Uber uses AI to identify risks,
match riders and drivers, and
track routes.
* Siri and Alexa use AI to
understand and react to voice
instructions in natural language,
enabling users to carry out
various tasks.
* Spotify uses AI to identify
listening patterns and suggest
songs and playlists.
* TikTok uses AI algorithms to
customize user feeds.
* Video Games use AI to
determine how to move and
interact with the player, with
some even " learning " from the
player's actions.
Source: AI Examples by Tableau and
What is AI for Kids? by GoHenry
REFLECT: What other
ways do you think AI is
used in your daily life, or
how do you think it could be used
in the future?
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of TRYEngineering - AI Adventures
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - Cover1
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 2
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 3
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 4
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 5
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 6
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 7
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 8
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 9
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 10
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 11
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 12
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 13
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 14
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 15
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 16
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 17
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 18
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - 19
TRYEngineering - AI Adventures - Cover4