BY KATIANNE WILLIAMS Helping Soldiers Deal With Stress in the Field MAHONEY FOCUSES ON COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE G Growing up, Caroline Mahoney thought she would become a veterinarian. A few psychology courses at Denison University, though, changed that. A cognitive psychology course led to another in nutrition and cognitive development, and soon Mahoney was working in a research lab studying the psychology of language. Under the leadership of a great mentor, she became interested in research, and went on to earn her Ph.D. degree from Tufts University, where she worked under Prof. Holly Taylor in the Spatial Cognition Lab in ©SHUTTERSTOCK/PRESSLAB Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MWIE.2020.3020450 Date of current version: 4 November 2020 1942-065X/20©2020IEEE DECEMBER 2020 IEEE WOMEN IN ENGINEERING MAGAZINE 19