BY KATIANNE WILLIAMS Joyce Weisbecker THE FIRST INDIE GAME DEVELOPER J ©SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/INKED PIXELS 1942-065X/22©2022IEEE Joyce Weisbecker was always interested in her father Joseph's work. What child wouldn't be? Joseph was the inventor of the Think-a-Dot and other games, a writer, and a magician who loved learning and teaching. But that's not all. Joseph was also the engineer who led RCA into a new technological era with his 8-bit microprocessor architecture. Throughout the 1970s, he prototyped and developed a number of programmable video games, educational systems, and game consoles, all showcasing what a game changer the microprocessor was going to be to a nascent consumer electronics industry. These included the hobbyist's build-it-yourself COSMAC Elf articles and the Studio II programmable video game console. Weisbecker followed along with her father's inventions, spending time with him in his at-home workshop, and in the summer Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MWIE.2022.3203181 Date of current version: 7 November 2022 DECEMBER 2022 IEEE WOMEN IN ENGINEERING MAGAZINE 15http://www.SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/INKED