BY KATIANNE WILLIAMS D'IGNAZIO AND KLEIN CALL OUT INEQUALITY IN DATA P Ph.D. candidate Daniene Byrne recently read a book that she says is a must read for people in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It's Data Feminism, a book by data scientists Catherine D'Ignazio and Lauren Klein that presents a way of thinking about data that is informed by both intersectional feminism and a commitment to action. Byrne is studying technology in society at Stony Brook University where her research area is the evolving regulatory process for automated vehicles (self-driving cars). She's what is often termed a nontraditional student, meaning her path has included an undergraduate degree in biochemistry, art school and a career as an Data Feminism Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MWIE.2021.3062921 Date of current version: 5 May 2021 1942-065X/21©2021IEEE ©SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/SERGEY NIVENS JUNE 2021 IEEE WOMEN IN ENGINEERING MAGAZINE 21http://www.SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/SERGEY