Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - March/April 2012 - (Page 44)

students review The Students Review series is intended to aid prospective college students in their search by offering insiders’ views of selected colleges and universities, as expressed by current undergraduates or recent graduates who have high academic ability. Note that the number of reviewers is small. Consider their personal perspectives as only one factor as you gather information and impressions from many sources. Our reviewers include 17 students who major(ed) in: biology (2), chemistry (1), classics (1), communications (1), computer science (1), economics (1), English (3), film studies (3), history (3), human development (1), Irish studies (1), linguistics (1), mathematics (1), philosophy (1), psychology (1), secondary education (1), Slavic studies (1), sociology (2), and theater (1). (The number of majors exceeds 17 because some reviewers completed double majors.) Reviewers’ comments appear within quotation marks. Boston College week. Every Monday, I spent the entire day at a soup kitchen, where I prepared and served breakfast, then worked in the bakery helping high school students bake cookies and practice job skills.” Quality of Academic Instruction for Undergraduates Founded by Jesuits, Boston College remains committed to the Jesuit ideals of educational excellence in service to society. It has four undergraduate schools: Arts & Sciences, Business, Education, and Nursing. Reviewers praised the quality of the faculty and the academics at BC, and all valued the flexible core requirements. way, 99% of classes are very small, with many having a seminar component.” „„ “The core is an amazing opportunity for students to explore areas they otherwise might never stumble into. I enjoyed my core classes in history so much that I became a history major! And even though I had already spent 12 years learning religion in Catholic school, I was able to learn even more about my faith when I took an Islam/Christianity comparison class for my theology core requirement.” „„ “Through volunteering and internships, students in the School of Education can experience a really wide range of educational settings and issues, all within a few miles of campus.” „„ “BC’s location and the strength of its faculty and alumni connections in Boston (and even New York) are a huge benefit when it comes to finding internships and jobs—something that really pays off in this struggling economy. When I graduated, I was able to enter the job market with several years of relevant and competitive job experience.” Social Life „„ “Overall, my learning experience at BC was exceptional. The professors were more than helpful, with availability both during and outside of office hours. Many professors insisted on meeting with students individually, whether it was about an upcoming paper or just to chat about how the semester was going.” „„ was a great college to “BC attend because of the strength of the teaching staff. My courses were great preparation for the advanced work I did in graduate school.” „„ enjoyed all my classes, but my “I favorite was PULSE, a two-semester course that counted toward my theology and philosophy core requirements. It required 10 hours of community service each „„ students get along fantastically “BC with each other; there is a definite sense of community on campus. Everyone gets three years of campus housing and some get four. I received four years and loved living on campus every year. My social life revolved around the organizations that I was involved in, such as 4Boston (volunteering). If you are into a partying, drinking social life, it’s there. If you are not, you have plenty of options and people who feel the same way.” „„ “The social life is great. Because Boston is only a subway ride away, many students go off campus on weekends to attend concerts, visit museums and historical attractions, eat great food, or just socialize with students at any of the dozens of universities in the Boston area. There are hundreds of clubs at BC, and they are a great way to get to know people with similar interests.” „„ “The location—next to a city, but on a campus—is a great feature of BC. It is easy to get into Boston on public transportation, but when you walk outside your dorm, you „„ offers top-notch instruction. The “BC core curriculum is rigorous and focuses on the Western cultural tradition. Students are required to take two courses each in history, philosophy, science, social sciences, and theology, and one course each in the fine arts, literature, mathematics, and writing. While this may seem like a lot, many BC students place out of several of these requirements through AP or IB credits from high school. Class size varies. Many introductory lectures are large, but once you get those out of the 44 imagine Mar/Apr 2012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - March/April 2012

Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - March/April 2012
Big Picture
In My Own Words
Theater Bound
Art Song
Out of My Head
Playwright’s Journal
Play(wright) in Progress
For All Time
My Life in Felt and Foam
Preserving the Golden Past of the Silver Screen
An Actor and a Critic
Selected Opportunities & Resources
Broadcom MASTERS
Off the Shelf
Word Wise
Exploring Career Options
One Step Ahead
Planning Ahead for College
Students Review
Mark Your Calendar
Knossos Games

Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - March/April 2012