300 E Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90802 Register today at ISSshows.com/longbeach.shtml with code: ISSLBCB I am a 25 year veteran in the business and thought I knew it all. Then I took an ISS screen printing Seminar and it completely changed the way I do business-and my company has grown as a result! The resources from the ISS Seminars I took are second to none. I look forward to what I'm going to learn every year. The Speaker still follows up and gives me the latest trends before they hit the market! All I can say is THANK YOU ISS! The Master Decorator Series changed my life and my business. The amount of knowledge I learned in one day (especially what's being unveiled in the following year) TRULY got me ahead of my competition. My profit margin grew over 22% in less than 6 months!http://www.ISSshows.com/orlando.shtml http://www.ISSshows.com/longbeach.shtml