If this all sounds intriguing, I suggest reading Profit First. A lot of essential details and insights about how to make this method work are included in the book. How is it working for shops in the industry? Next month, in Part 2 of this series, we'll get feedback from some shop owners who currently are using this method. We'll also have a final word from Saharyan regarding the overall picture for small businesses using this system. M a r s h a l l At k i n s o n , ow n e r o f At k i n s o n Consulting LLC, is a decorated-apparel industry production and efficiency expert who focuses on operational efficiency, continuous improvement, workflow strategy, business planning and more. For more information or to comment on this article, email Marshall at marshall@marshallatkinson.com. Use Info*Action #10 at impressionsmag.com/infoaction AUGUST 2018 P.31http://www.conde.com http://www.conde.com http://www.impressionsmag.com/infoaction