think. make. do. EmbroidEry Production Like this article? read more embroidery articles at Smooth Stitching Efficient embroidery production workflow is essential to a shop's success. By DeBorah JoneS, ContriButing Writer Have you ever watched an auto-racing pit crew change a tire? There's no wasted movement because the most efficient procedure has been identified and is followed each time. Even though embroiderers don't want to work at such a breakneck pace in their shops, the principle still is sound. Procedures should allow products to flow through the shop using the same methods repeatedly. Established procedures allow goods to move freely from one point to another without stoppage or slowdowns.This is just as important for the singlehead shop as it is for large shops with many embroidery heads. If you have one or two singlehead machines, you should maximize production efficiency because Garments must be unpackaged, counted and inspected. Estimate the time needed for this on your schedule planner.All photos provided by River's End Decorations, Clarksville,Tenn. Photography by Jerome Tarver. P.30 i m p r e s s i o n s m a g . c o m AUGUST 2019