BMP - Tree Inventories - 14
Figure 5. A community map showing the locations and ID numbers of a random two
percent of blocksides that can be used to create a sample inventory.
Partial Tree Inventories
Partial tree inventories collect data from a specific portion of the tree population. The portions are limited by geography or tree attributes.
Geographically limited inventories select a specified area and inventory
all of the trees within that area. When budgets are limited, this approach can
provide an effective and affordable management tool. An example is collecting tree information only from a neighborhood with historic trees, where a
majority of tree management resources are already being focused.
A phased inventory is conducted to collect all of the tree attribute information from specified areas as a step toward a complete inventory. This same
procedure can be used to conduct the work over multiple years by moving
sequentially through divisions of the area (e.g., wards, districts, neighborhoods,
etc.). If a quarter of the area is inventoried each year, at the end of four years
the inventory will be complete.
Tree surveys focus on a small number of attributes over the entire urban
forest. One common example is a limited visual tree risk assessment using a
BMP - Tree Inventories
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of BMP - Tree Inventories
Table of Contents
BMP - Tree Inventories - Cover1
BMP - Tree Inventories - Cover2
BMP - Tree Inventories - i
BMP - Tree Inventories - ii
BMP - Tree Inventories - Table of Contents
BMP - Tree Inventories - iv
BMP - Tree Inventories - 1
BMP - Tree Inventories - 2
BMP - Tree Inventories - 3
BMP - Tree Inventories - 4
BMP - Tree Inventories - 5
BMP - Tree Inventories - 6
BMP - Tree Inventories - 7
BMP - Tree Inventories - 8
BMP - Tree Inventories - 9
BMP - Tree Inventories - 10
BMP - Tree Inventories - 11
BMP - Tree Inventories - 12
BMP - Tree Inventories - 13
BMP - Tree Inventories - 14
BMP - Tree Inventories - 15
BMP - Tree Inventories - 16
BMP - Tree Inventories - 17
BMP - Tree Inventories - 18
BMP - Tree Inventories - 19
BMP - Tree Inventories - 20
BMP - Tree Inventories - 21
BMP - Tree Inventories - 22
BMP - Tree Inventories - 23
BMP - Tree Inventories - 24
BMP - Tree Inventories - 25
BMP - Tree Inventories - 26
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BMP - Tree Inventories - 35
BMP - Tree Inventories - Cover4