BMP - Tree Inventories - 26
Figure 12. Example of inventory output. The number of trees in each size class is shown
in a bar graph that helps the tree manager project future needs.
Crown Width/Spread
Crown width or spread can be measured, estimated, or categorized. Columnar
trees are often noted. As with tree height, crown width takes time to measure correctly and usually serves no managerial purpose-although it may
be needed for environmental assessment programs. Measurement of crown
width requires that readings or estimates be made from two positions, at right
angles to each other, so that an average can be obtained. Visual estimation
of width-class can be a useful substitute.
Community Status
In some urban forests, it is important to record trees that have a special status
(e.g., historic, memorial, landmark, etc.).
Secondary Maintenance
A variety of maintenance categories could be added for specific purposes.
Some examples include:
* Structural support. In some urban forests, trees with weaknesses,
such as included bark or poor limb attachment, may be recommended
for supplemental structural support following national standards (in
the United States, ANSI A300-Part 3: Support Systems) or ISA's
Best Management Practices: Tree Support Systems.
* Soil. Managers of high-profile trees might wish to identify those trees
that could benefit from soil treatment, for example, large-crowned
trees in sites prone to water-logging. As always, clear criteria need
to be established.
BMP - Tree Inventories
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of BMP - Tree Inventories
Table of Contents
BMP - Tree Inventories - Cover1
BMP - Tree Inventories - Cover2
BMP - Tree Inventories - i
BMP - Tree Inventories - ii
BMP - Tree Inventories - Table of Contents
BMP - Tree Inventories - iv
BMP - Tree Inventories - 1
BMP - Tree Inventories - 2
BMP - Tree Inventories - 3
BMP - Tree Inventories - 4
BMP - Tree Inventories - 5
BMP - Tree Inventories - 6
BMP - Tree Inventories - 7
BMP - Tree Inventories - 8
BMP - Tree Inventories - 9
BMP - Tree Inventories - 10
BMP - Tree Inventories - 11
BMP - Tree Inventories - 12
BMP - Tree Inventories - 13
BMP - Tree Inventories - 14
BMP - Tree Inventories - 15
BMP - Tree Inventories - 16
BMP - Tree Inventories - 17
BMP - Tree Inventories - 18
BMP - Tree Inventories - 19
BMP - Tree Inventories - 20
BMP - Tree Inventories - 21
BMP - Tree Inventories - 22
BMP - Tree Inventories - 23
BMP - Tree Inventories - 24
BMP - Tree Inventories - 25
BMP - Tree Inventories - 26
BMP - Tree Inventories - 27
BMP - Tree Inventories - 28
BMP - Tree Inventories - 29
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BMP - Tree Inventories - 31
BMP - Tree Inventories - 32
BMP - Tree Inventories - 33
BMP - Tree Inventories - 34
BMP - Tree Inventories - 35
BMP - Tree Inventories - Cover4