BMP - Tree Inventories - 32

*	 Schedule backups, as well as mandatory local backup, after data entry.
*	 Establish a method and schedule for regular off-site data storage.
*	 Establish backup policies in cooperation with in-house IT professionals.
Consider both " the Cloud " and in-house backup data storage.

Keep It Fresh
The inventory has to be accepted as a valuable tool by staff, and kept up to
date with each day of inspection and maintenance activities. Letting information get several years old without updates will reduce the accuracy of any
reporting, and require significant resources to update. If possible, specify in
contracts that the contractor shall provide updates and inventory data for all
trees that are visited.



BMP - Tree Inventories

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of BMP - Tree Inventories

Table of Contents
BMP - Tree Inventories - Cover1
BMP - Tree Inventories - Cover2
BMP - Tree Inventories - i
BMP - Tree Inventories - ii
BMP - Tree Inventories - Table of Contents
BMP - Tree Inventories - iv
BMP - Tree Inventories - 1
BMP - Tree Inventories - 2
BMP - Tree Inventories - 3
BMP - Tree Inventories - 4
BMP - Tree Inventories - 5
BMP - Tree Inventories - 6
BMP - Tree Inventories - 7
BMP - Tree Inventories - 8
BMP - Tree Inventories - 9
BMP - Tree Inventories - 10
BMP - Tree Inventories - 11
BMP - Tree Inventories - 12
BMP - Tree Inventories - 13
BMP - Tree Inventories - 14
BMP - Tree Inventories - 15
BMP - Tree Inventories - 16
BMP - Tree Inventories - 17
BMP - Tree Inventories - 18
BMP - Tree Inventories - 19
BMP - Tree Inventories - 20
BMP - Tree Inventories - 21
BMP - Tree Inventories - 22
BMP - Tree Inventories - 23
BMP - Tree Inventories - 24
BMP - Tree Inventories - 25
BMP - Tree Inventories - 26
BMP - Tree Inventories - 27
BMP - Tree Inventories - 28
BMP - Tree Inventories - 29
BMP - Tree Inventories - 30
BMP - Tree Inventories - 31
BMP - Tree Inventories - 32
BMP - Tree Inventories - 33
BMP - Tree Inventories - 34
BMP - Tree Inventories - 35
BMP - Tree Inventories - Cover4