BMP - Tree Inventories - 33

Selected References
Abd-Elrahman, A. H., M. E. Thornhill, M. G. Andreu, and F. Escobedo. 2010.
A community-based urban forest inventory using online mapping services
and consumer-grade digital images. International Journal of Applied Earth
Observation and Geoinformation 12(4):249-260.
American Nursery and Landscape Association. 2004. American Standard
forNursery Stock (Z60.1-2004). American Nursery and Landscape Association, Washington, DC, USA.
Andreu, M. G., E. M. Brown, M. H. Friedman, R. J. Northrop, and M. E.
Thornhill. 2009. Comparison of Urban Forest Tree Inventory and Management Software Systems. School of Forest Resources and Conservation;
Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences; University of Florida; Gainesville, Florida, USA. Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS). Publication
#FOR226. Accessed June 2013. .
Bloniarz, D. V. (Coordinator). 2002. Volunteer Training Manual: Count Trees
Because Trees Count. USDA Forest Service, Northeast Center for Urban and
Community Forestry, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA.
Bloniarz, D. V., and H. D. P. Ryan III. 1996. The use of volunteer initiatives in
conducting urban forest resources inventories. Journal of Arboriculture
Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers. 2000. Guide for Plant Appraisal
(9th edition). International Society of Arboriculture, Champaign, Illinois, USA.
Bond, J. 2012. Urban tree health. A practical and precise estimation method.
Urban Forest Analytics LLC. Geneva, New York, USA.
Fazio, J., ed. 1992. How to Conduct a Street Tree Inventory. Tree City USA,
Bulleting No. 23. Nebraska City, Nebraska, USA.
Husch, B., T. W. Beers, and J. A. Kershaw, Jr. 2003. Forest Mensuration
(4th edition). Wiley, New York, New York, USA.


BMP - Tree Inventories

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of BMP - Tree Inventories

Table of Contents
BMP - Tree Inventories - Cover1
BMP - Tree Inventories - Cover2
BMP - Tree Inventories - i
BMP - Tree Inventories - ii
BMP - Tree Inventories - Table of Contents
BMP - Tree Inventories - iv
BMP - Tree Inventories - 1
BMP - Tree Inventories - 2
BMP - Tree Inventories - 3
BMP - Tree Inventories - 4
BMP - Tree Inventories - 5
BMP - Tree Inventories - 6
BMP - Tree Inventories - 7
BMP - Tree Inventories - 8
BMP - Tree Inventories - 9
BMP - Tree Inventories - 10
BMP - Tree Inventories - 11
BMP - Tree Inventories - 12
BMP - Tree Inventories - 13
BMP - Tree Inventories - 14
BMP - Tree Inventories - 15
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BMP - Tree Inventories - 22
BMP - Tree Inventories - 23
BMP - Tree Inventories - 24
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BMP - Tree Inventories - Cover4