A Q U A R T E R L Y R E V I E W Vol. 57, No. 4 Fall 2015 The German Roots of American Order E. Christian Kopff Are We All German Now? Samuel Goldman Can Taxes Be Fair? Should They Be? William S. Peirce George Washington and the Patience of Power David Hein Only Half in Fun William F. Buckley Jr.'s New York City Mayoral Campaign, Fifty Years Later Thomas E. Lynch The Art of Political Healing in Macbeth Carl C. Curtis Poems by Robert Beum and Patrick Murtha R EV IEWS: The Meaning of Measure - Bryce Christensen * Witness against the Age of Irony - M. D. Aeschliman * Moral Misadventures in Psychology - Daniel N. Robinson * Solzhenitsyn and Modern Politics - John Eastby * The Cost of Limiting Limited Government - Patrick M. Garry Published by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute $9.50 U.S.