A Q U A R T E R L Y R E V I E W Vol. 58, No. 4 Fall 2016 Three Liter ary A nniversaries 1 Susan McWilliams takes us to Christopher Lasch's True and Only Heaven, John Rodden and John Rossi revisit George Orwell's Animal Farm, and F. Flagg Taylor IV enlightens us on Arthur Koestler's Darkness at Noon A LSO INSIDE East meets West in the unlikely person of Thomas Aquinas: William E. Carroll explains Can Yuval Levin's Fractured Republic be made whole again? Ben Domenech sifts through the pieces Think religion is dying? Gerald Russello urges you to think again as he examines new books by Rodney Stark and Francis Beckwith R. V. Young takes a hard look at the romantic myth of a "paradise" in medieval Islamic Spain PLUS: A return to human nature, history distorted, the fellowship of the Inklings, and poetry from Mark Amorose and Ryan Wilson Published by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute $9.50 U.S.