REVIEW ESSAY THE REASONABLENESS OF FAITH AND THE IRR ATIONALITY OF "REASON" Gerald J. Russello The Triumph of Faith: Why the World Is More Religious Than Ever By Rodney Stark (Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2015) Taking Rites Seriously: Law, Politics, and the Reasonableness of Faith By Francis J. Beckwith (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015) P resident Obama's now-infamous comment about people clinging to their "guns and religion" betrayed a glimpse of a worldview increasingly common among Western elites. People must "cling" to religion because there is no rational reason to believe; it is more like the "irritable mental gestures" Lionel Trilling famously described as conservatism in his book The Liberal Imagination. Faith is the losing side of a centuries-old struggle against superstition in favor of science or "reason." Sociological evidence has appeared to give this worldview a patina of reality. In the United States especially, recent years have witnessed the emergence of the so-called nones, those who profess, or claim to profess, no religion. A group of writers dubbed the New Atheists Gerald J. Russello is editor of the University Bookman. moder nagejour nal .com 87