A Q U A R T E R L Y R E V I E W Vol. 58, No. 2 Spring 2016 Shakespeare and Cervantes A Quadricentennial Celebration 1 Two of the greatest figures in Western literature died on the same date, 400 years ago. R. V. Young and Richard Harp remind us why we still look to them today. A LSO INSIDE The late Antonin Scalia defines the most important liberty Peter Augustine Lawler and Richard M. Reinsch II on Orestes Brownson and the unwritten constitution Ryan R. Holston explores Strauss and antihistoricism R. J. Stove revives a once-beloved historian Glenn Moots reads a new life of Russell Kirk PLUS: The conservative rebellion, the higher education bubble, the Enlightenment's legacy, Heidegger's challenge, and poetry's mysteries Published by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute $9.50 U.S.