A Q U A R T E R L Y Vol. 58, No. 3 R E V I E W Summer 2016 The Great Debate: Immigration * Political analyst Michael Barone and Chronicles editor Chilton Williamson Jr. debate one of the most contentious issues of our time. Should the immigration spigot be cut off? Or are the concerns overstated? A LSO INSIDE Anthony Esolen provides an inside look at politicization and decline at the modern university R. V. Young diagnoses our postmodern dementia R. R. Reno resurrects the idea of a Christian society: a Modern Age exclusive first look Ted V. McAllister sees Charles Murray's call for a rebellion and raises him Do we need a new life of Stalin? Daniel J. Mahoney says yes PLUS: The poisoned well of tolerance, the Cold War challenge, the value of bad art, Eden's trees, and poems from William Baer Published by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute $9.50 U.S.