MODERN AGE SUMMER 2016 abandoned reality itself, and with the power and affluence of our uniquely wealthy and dynamic country effectively in their control, there is no way to know how long the illusion can be maintained. In the light of our dire circumstances, we are especially glad to have two brief essays that provide some sense of a way back toward the decencies of normal life. R. R. Reno and his publisher have allowed us to offer a preview of his new book, Resurrecting the Idea of a Christian Society. While acknowledging the good intentions signified in the "god term" diversity, Reno maintains that we shall sooner attain our true goal of restoring community by recognizing that what is really wanted is solidarity-a Christian philosophical version of the old-fashioned American virtue of neighborliness. Mark Mitchell, in an address first delivered at the Academy of Philosophy and Letters, reminds us of the spiritual power of art and urges us not merely to appreciate it but also to become involved in its creation. We hope that these essays along with our usual array of informative reviews and inspiring poems will furnish an oasis of clear thought and imaginative engagement during what promises to be an unsettling summer. -RVY 10 moder nagejour nal .com