REVIEWS reclaiming our constitutional heritage Ted V. McAllister By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission By Charles Murray (New York: Crown Forum, 2015) C harles Murray has written a handbook for the rebellion of the self-governing. In the American context, this makes By the People a critique of revolution, the advancement of which requires rebellion in the service of tradition. Understanding rebellion as a requirement for conservation in the modern age is necessary not only to a proper understanding of the Founding but also to grasp the position in which American conservatives now find themselves. My characterization is not one that Murray would endorse fully, but it raises the possibility of what I believe is a necessary condition for the success of the rebellion-finding the firm ground of agreement between libertarians and conservatives. To this end Murray labels his perspective "Madisonian," which suggests not only the centrality of the Constitution in this analysis but also the heart of Madisonian constitutionalism, limited government. Ted V. McAllister holds the Edward L. Gaylord Chair of Public Policy at Pepperdine University and is the author of Revolt against Modernity. 102 moder nagejour nal .com