ASSAULT ON HIGHER EDUCATION: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT How the quest for diversity has empowered bureaucrats The Unholy Alliance of College Administrators and Left-Liberal Activists Benjamin Ginsberg C ontemporary political battles on America's college campuses seem quite puzzling. A half century ago, liberal college students and faculty were at the forefront of struggles for equal rights and freedom of expression. Today left-liberal and minority campus activists seem to have abandoned these goals in favor of an agenda in which free expression and racial integration are equated with political oppression. On several campuses, African American students have demanded the creation of all-black housing units. On quite a number of campuses, students have called for rules requiring professors to issue "trigger warnings" before they say something in class that might offend or upset anyBenjamin Ginsberg is the David Bernstein Professor of Political Science and chair of the Center for Advanced Governmental Studies at Johns Hopkins University. 28 modernagejournal.com