Reviews neglects to draw the obvious conclusion regarding our "affirmative action" regime. He frequently mentions how black men and women have attempted to "pass" as white in order to take advantage of what is now widely denounced as "white privilege" but gives little consideration to the anomaly of a white woman attempting to pass as black, a phenomenon suggesting that "for a nontrivial segment of the population" there is some advantage to being black. The progressive elites who have dominated our cultural and intellectual life and much of our politics for more than two generations are incapable of coming to terms with the forces of moral disintegration that they have unleashed because their ideology blinds them to reality. It would appear that God has fit them up for fate. It is dismaying that their destruction may engulf our whole society, even our very civilization. R. V. Young is professor emeritus of English at North Carolina State University and former editor of Modern Age and the John Donne Journal. 125