When will legal scholars recognize that so-called conservatives have been conserving progressive victories? Countering the CounterRevolution Narrative Jesse Merriam W henever a new book on the "legal conservative movement" (LCM) is published, I am reminded of M. C. Escher's masterpiece Day and Night, in which black birds flying left form the background of night to illuminate white birds flying right. Recent works like Amanda Hollis-Brusky's Ideas with Consequences: The Federalist Society and the Conservative Counterrevolution present the legal left like Escher's black birds-blended into the skyline of law, rendering anything moving right an aberration. This skewed perspective is built into how scholars today view the very nature of law as ineluctably veering leftward in the name of "progress," making any resistance to that progress seem unnatural and indeed revolutionary. Jesse Merriam is an assistant professor of political science at Loyola University Maryland. 6 modernagejournal.comhttp://www.modernagejournal.com