The To Design & Construction Week Presented by K+BB's exclusive special section is THE source for everything related to Design & Construction Week and KBIS 2015. Get in the know on networking events, competitions, important dates, exhibitor interviews and products, the NKBA's Voices from the Industry and 30 Under 30 programs, partnering show events - and much more - as we get closer to an exciting KBIS 2015 and Design & Construction Week. 36-37 Returning Exhibitors & Show Highlights Let the shows go on! 41-43 Products, Products, Products! 38-40 An Inside Look at the 30 Under 30 Group / November/December 2014 35-43_KBB_1114_KBIScoverage.indd 35 + K BB 35 11/12/14 11:27 AM