13th Annual IDB Breakfast April 8, 2016 I Melia Hotel I Nassau, The Bahamas Coinciding with the IDB-IIC Annual Meeting 2016, LatinFinance will host its 13th Annual IDB Breakfast on April 8, 2016 in Nassau, The Bahamas. The theme for this year's breakfast discussion is LatAm and Caribbean Sovereign Borrowing and Investment Strategies. The economies of Latin America and the Caribbean are being buffeted by plunging commodity prices, currency volatility and uncertainty over global interest rates. While low oil prices are a boon for some, growth forecasts have been slashed across much of the region. As investors rethink their allocations, sovereign borrowers are innovating to maintain appeal in the international capital markets. Join us for a frank discussion with leading issuers and investors on the year ahead in sovereign debt. CO-HOSTED BY SPONSOR To register, please visit: www.latinfinanceevents.com/IDBhttp://www.latinfinanceevents.com/IDB