14TH BRAZIL ISSUERS & INVESTORS FORUM (BIIF) APRIL 19, 2016 | HOTEL UNIQUE | SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL LatinFinance's Brazil Issuers & Investors Forum, widely recognized as Brazil's most important capital markets forum, will convene leading corporates and financiers, local and international investors, lawyers and government officials for a day of discussion and debate. As Brazil struggles with a deepening recession, corporate governance challenges and mounting political turbulence, the forum will explore the way forward for Latin America's largest economy and its financial markets, through a series of interactive panel discussions and 1-1 meetings. LEAD SPONSORS COCKTAIL HOST SPONSORS For more information and to register for your place please visit: www.latinfinanceevents.com/BIIFhttp://www.latinfinanceevents.com/BIIF