Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 27

Heisler Park
Larry Gill and Gavin
Heath 2012
"Tidepool Paddleboard"
Funded through a donation
by Beverly Kaye
Artist Designed Bench

This piece was a collaboration created by two local artists, glass blower
Gavin Heath, and metal sculptor Larry Gill. The bench features stainless steel
and concrete with colorful cast glass inlays that evoke tidepools, which are
plentiful in Laguna Beach, including just below the park's cliffs.

"I wanted the shape of the piece to be kind of organic..."
- Jorg Dubin

Heisler Park
Jorg Dubin 2000

Funded through a donation by Triad Financial Corporation
Artist Designed Bench

Laguna Beach artist Jorg Dubin installed three seating areas embossed with
images of pre-historic marine wildlife. Located on a beautiful site overlooking
Divers Cove, it provides a place for visitors to enjoy the spectacular views. "I
wanted the shape of the piece to be kind of organic, maybe with the sense
that it tumbled around in the surf," Jorg said. He believes that if the area was
explored, fossils surely could be found.

600 North Coast Highway
De L 'Esprie 2001
"Whirly Bird"
"Chasing Butterflies"
Funded by Vons -
A Safeway Company
Art in Public Places

De L' Esprie says her classical art training has put her in the company of the
Bronze Masters through talent, hard work
and dedication. Her figurative bronze
sculptures are "painstakingly realistic,"
combining strength with beauty producing sculptures that are dynamic.

"My classical art training has
put me in the company of the
Bronze Masters ...." - De L 'Esprie


Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015

Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 1
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 2
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 3
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 4
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 5
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 6
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 7
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 8
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 9
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 10
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 11
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 12
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 13
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 14
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 15
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 16
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 17
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 18
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 19
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 20
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 21
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 22
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 23
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 24
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 25
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 26
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 27
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 28
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 29
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 30