Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 28

1191 North Coast Highway
Terry Thornsley 2012
"Pacific Patinas"
Funded by Max Company LLC
Art in Public Places

Terry's affinity for the ocean, its indigenous
life and habitat, is obvious in his work. His
sculptures can be described with words
such as fresh, strong, graceful, lifelike,
moving and thoughtful.

Riddle Field
Steven Harmon 2001

Funded through a donation
by Steven Harmon
Renovation funded by Alice Harmon
Public Art

In memory of her son, Alice Harmon said of the work, "Cathexis
is a sculpture of intertwined
scrolls. It is dedicated to all
those in love who sit within it."

"...experience these 'Laguna Locals' up-close and hands- Terry Thornsley
on through my two life-sized bronzes."
Crescent Bay Point Park
Terry Thornsley 2008
"Laguna Locals"

Funded by the lodging establishments
and City of Laguna Beach
Public Art

Inspired by the view, the sculptures represent the natural habitat
people come to see. "The other
fine residents of Laguna Beach,
a colony of sea lions and cormorants, reside on the offshore
outcroppings of rock just below
Crescent Bay Point Park and
visitors can now experience these
"Laguna Locals" up-close and
hands-on through my two lifesized bronzes," said Terry.

1575 North Coast Highway
Marsh Scott 2001
"Steps in the Sand"

Funded by JKT Development Company
Art in Public Places

Marsh says of her work, "Steps
in the Sand" is a symbolic timeline of the different groups of
people who have walked the
sands of Laguna Beach. From
the Chumash Native Americans
to the current artists placing
sculpture around the world,
Laguna Beach is a special place."

"It is a symbolic timeline of the
different groups of people who
have walked the sands of
Laguna Beach." - Marsh Scott


Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015

Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 1
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 2
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 3
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 4
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 5
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 6
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 7
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 8
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 9
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 10
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 11
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 12
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 13
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 14
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 15
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 16
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 17
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 18
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 19
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 20
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 21
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 22
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 23
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 24
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Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 27
Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 28
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Laguna Beach Art Collection 2015 - 30