VIRGINIA ABC NEW ITEMS Try Something New! I n the following pages, you'll find information on each new product including price, proof and origin as well as a bit of product history and the number of Virginia ABC stores in which you can find each item. If you need help locating a product, please ask your Virginia ABC store personnel for assistance or search our comprehensive product catalog at From the whiskey connoisseur to the tequila aficionado, there's something for everyone at Virginia ABC! Cheers! KEY = Virginia Items = Mini Monday The first Monday in October is Mini Monday at select stores across the commonwealth. Purchase $25 or more in spirits or wines and receive a preselected complimentary 50 ml bottle-while supplies last. TARNISHED TRUTH RYE BOURBON Bourbon Price: $63.39 Size: 750ml Proof: 86 Origin: Virginia Beach, Virginia Code: 28163 Distribution: 153 stores Tarnished Truth distillery, in Virginia Beach's historic Cavalier Hotel, introduces a complex bourbon with a triple mash bill-60 percent corn, 36 percent rye and 4 percent malted barley- providing the sweet smoothness of a traditional bourbon with a kick of spiciness. 4 VIRGINIA ABC NEW ITEMS LIST | ABC.VIRGINIA.GOV UNCLE NEAREST 1856 WHISKEY Bourbon Price: $59.99 Size: 750ml Proof: 100 Origin: Tennessee Code: TBD Distribution: Online only Smooth with a gentle finish, this bourbon is inspired by the best whiskey maker the world never knew. Uncle Nearest helped perfect the distinctive maple charcoal filtering process and mentored Tennessee's renowned master distiller. http://ABC.VIRGINIA.GOV