2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 11
Banana-Mango Gin will go a long way toward of rum-they'd prefer to stick to a small group of
capturing that distinct taste.
top performers.
What does the future hold for this trend? For
Citrus and honey should remain crowd favorstarters, we can expect more spirits, more craft ites. Another category that has great potential is
distilleries, and more exciting flavors. The $44 anything fresh or natural. Studies show that conbillion American liquor market has shown con- sumers want flavors that are, or at least appear
siderable growth over the past few years and, to be, more authentic and healthy. Anything that
according to some estimates, will continue to smells, tastes and looks like chemical preservaexpand 5 percent per year until at least 2022. tives will have a harder time finding a market.
Millennials account for a third of all spirits sales,
Flavorman, a company specializing in the
so manufacturers will undoubtedly try to satisfy technical aspects of flavor development, says
this specific market. Flavored spirits, in particular, that in 2019 the leading flavors will be fresh,
have demonstrated remarkable popularity. In clean and simple. Watermelon, cucumber, citrus,
2017 the flavored whiskey sub-category alone berry and other flavors that are subtle, refreshing
grew by 8.5 percent.
or lightly sweet should do well. Because of the
The public's thirst for infused liquor is recent craze for Moscow Mules, the zesty tang
expected to stick around for a while, but the spe- of ginger will also be a popular choice.
cific flavor profiles have changed and will in all
Flavored spirits offer a new take on our old
likelihood continue to do so. Certain flavors- favorites. If you like whiskey, you now have the
chocolate, jalapeno, toasted marshmallow, any- option of grabbing a honey or vanilla version,
thing that's more of a novelty than a classic and of course you can always stick with regular
taste-have become less popular in recent years old bourbon. In either case, the takeaway is the
and will continue to decline. Distillers are steer- same: distillers are offering us more choices, and
ing away from
the habit of making, say, 47 flavors that's always a 1good
12:14 PM
FALL 2019 | WINTER 2020 11
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - Cover1
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - Cover2
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 3
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 4
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 5
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 6
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 7
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 8
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 9
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 10
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 11
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 12
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 13
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 14
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 15
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 16
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 17
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 18
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 19
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 20
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 21
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - 22
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - Cover3
2019 Q4 Iowa Spirits - Cover4