Missoula Children's Theatre at Curfman Hall to local classrooms by hosting a seasonal slate of performances open to the public in Covington High School's historic Curfman Hall. The council's playbill has included visits from the nearby Roanoke Symphony Orchestra to one-act plays by nationally known actors and performances by ballet troupes from as far away as Russia, proving that one doesn't have to sacrifice the comfort and security of a small town in order to receive a world-class education. * a successful man has to start somewhere. Successful men will take care of their families, contribute their gifts, and be role models for the next generation of men. At Boys Home of Virginia, we show our boys that each day is a step toward that success. Learn how you can help at boyshomeofva.org 414 Boys Home Road Covington VA 24426 540-965-7715 www.visitalleghanyhighlands.com 43http://www.boyshomeofva.org http://www.visitalleghanyhighlands.com