Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 19
RAGBRAI, and that's never-changing.
sold vegetarian sandwiches that were heavenly,"
BETSY WILLIAMS of Baton Rouge, Louisiana Williams says. "Most communities back then
hundreds of
rode RAGBRAI the first time in 1978. Williams
really did not know what to expect."
entertainers found in
spoke for thousands as she recalled her
It's still just like that, and these days, through
RAGBRAI towns each
RAGBRAI years.
the combined efforts of RAGBRAI, law enforceyear.
"My favorite part was taking over the little
ment and the ABD staff, the chaos that originally
diners during breakfast when they were in the
fueled RAGBRAI has faded like a bad tattoo.
Far left: Soybeans
weeds from so many hungry cyclists," Williams
"RAGBRAI is no wilder now than the Iowa
make up half of Iowa
says. "Our usual plan was to ride from tavState Fair or the big tailgate parties at major
farm acreage.
ern-to-tavern along the route, with stops in the
c o l l e g e f o o t b a l l g a m e s i n t h e s t at e ,"
cornfields as needed."
Offenburger says. "It's an event that the State
"In the weeds" is diner slang for "overof Iowa, the people of Iowa, the Des Moines
whelmed with orders."
Register and the bicycle riders themselves can
"We would take over everything," Williams
be proud of."
says. "Take orders, bus, and waitress; some
PATRICK HAZELL is the iconic one-mancooking, even. But always in a way that was
band bluesman who performed on the RAGBRAI
appreciated, and we always paid the check.
road for decades. He wrote and recorded "Roll
Many a weary restaurant employee had a story
On, RAGBRAI" for the ride's 25th anniversary.
to tell their grandchildren."
Hazell's chorus says it all:
She points out that RAGBRAI is less about
Roll on, roll on RAGBRAI, roll on down the line
alcohol than food: roadside vendors are dear
Over the hills of Iowa, havin' a real good time
to most riders' hearts.
Roll on, roll on RAGBRAI, in wind and sun and
"I loved the entrepreneurs who so wisely
cooked and sold food along the route, espeBy the lazy rivers, in the land of the golden
cially porkburgers, ice cold lemonade, and free
Roll on, RAGBRAI.
wellwater. Some hippies in an old panel truck
Nuns On The Run are
one among the
Please enjoy responsibly. © 2019 Imported by Mi CAMPO Spirits, Canandaigua, NY. Tequila. 40% alc. by vol.
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 1
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 2
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 3
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 4
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 5
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 6
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 7
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 8
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 9
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 10
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 11
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 12
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 13
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 14
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 15
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 16
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 17
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 18
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 19
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 20
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 21
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