Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 33

Kids need to be prepared for scenarios like this.
It's not all scare tactics and gory details, however. Parents can also help teenagers by building
their self-esteem. Positive reinforcement and
loving support are necessary for kids to stand
up to peer pressure. If they feel the need to
escape from reality, they're more likely to experiment with alcohol. Stress and anxiety can also
be triggers. Don't put too much pressure on your
teens to make the football team or get straight
A's. Make sure they have after-school activities
to keep them occupied, happy and focused on
something other than partying.
Finally, set a good example. Use alcohol only
in moderation, don't allow underage kids to
drink, and never drink and drive. It's also important to watch out for alcohol abuse. If you think
your child has a drinking problem, seek professional help as quickly as possible.


Unfortunately, the risks of underage drinking
aren't reduced when kids graduate from high
school. Kids-especially today-have a difficult
time adjusting to college. They've been watched
over closely for many years and suddenly are
set free. It's extremely common for freshmen to
feel scared, confused, homesick, depressed,
anxious, to struggle with coursework and socializing. If they play a sport, their stress is often
doubled. They also have to cope with living in
a cramped room with a stranger, in a dorm
with many other strangers. They have new
friends, new teachers, strange new food
in the cafeteria, and on top of it all they
have to do their own laundry.
This tells us two things. One, you need
to help your teenager gain a measure of
self-reliance and independence before going
away to college. This will make the transition
more smooth. Sometimes a gap year is the best
answer. Two, don't think of college freshmen
as adults who have it all figured out. Know
that they are vulnerable kids struggling with
a wide range of serious obstacles.
Drinking is one of these obstacles.
Statistics regarding college students from
the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism are chilling. Each year:
* 1,825 die from alcohol-related injuries.
* 696,000 are assaulted by another student
who's been drinking.
* 25 percent report academic problems such
as missing class, falling behind, failing exams or

papers, and receiving lower grades.
* 20 percent meet the standards for alcohol
use disorder (AUD).
* Drinking is also a factor in suicide attempts,
health problems, unsafe sex, driving under the
influence, vandalism, and involvement with the
What can you do? Speak to your child often,
especially during the first few months of college.
Alert him to the signs of alcohol poisoning and
other alcohol-related issues, so that he can help
himself and others if needed. Research the
school's alcohol prevention, intervention and
treatment programs.
Undoubtedly, your sons and daughters have
already heard about the dangers of underage
drinking, but that doesn't mean it's not worth
repeating. Just like calculus or physics, you need
to study the subject for years before the information sinks in. Start the conversation early so
that, by the time you send them off to college or
work, they're prepared, informed and ready to
deal with the challenges ahead.

1 ,825 die from
alcoh ol-related
in ju ries

696,0 0 0 are
assau lted by
an oth erstu den t
w h o'
drin k in g

20 percen t
m eet th e
stan dardsfor
alcoh ol u se

25 percen t
report academ ic
problem s

Su icide
attem pts,h ealth
problem s,
u n safe sex,D U I
v an dalism




Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019

Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 1
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 2
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 3
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 4
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 5
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 6
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 7
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 8
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 9
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 10
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 11
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 12
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 13
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 14
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 15
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Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 18
Iowa Spirits Spring Summer 2019 - 19
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