A . B OX E R W O O D N AT U R E C E N T E R & W O O D L A N D G A R D E N S B . V I S TA L I N K S . C . G L E N M A U R Y PA R K C FOR MORE INFORMATION: RockbridgeOutdoors.com by the presence of the Virginia Horse Center, a 600-acre, all-breed, all-discipline facility open to the public. To saddle up, you'll want to head to Windhorse Farm for a lesson or trail ride with horse trainer Tish Vest. With a reservation she'll have you horseback riding her 450 acres in no time. Bicycling in the area brings the region's scenic beauty into upclose views. Red Newt Bikes in Lexington offers rentals, sales and repairs. And bikethevalley.org is a complete resource for biking in the region, with information on greenways, mountain bike routes and more. #GetOutside and appreciate our great outdoors. LEXINGTONVIRGINIA.COM 19http://www.bikethevalley.org http://www.RockbridgeOutdoors.com http://www.LEXINGTONVIRGINIA.COM