The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 10
American assault troops of the 16th Infantry Regiment, injured while
storming Omaha Beach, wait by the Chalk Cliffs for evacuation.
Allied troops unload
equipment and supplies
on Omaha Beach in
Normandy, France, in
early June of 1944.
American soldiers on Omaha Beach recover the dead after the
June 6, 1944, D-Day invasion of France.
currents had caused them to land in the wrong
Utah Beach was the first to see a landing, and place. Success came at the cost of about 200
as the sun began to rise, the men of the US VII killed in action on Utah on the first day, with
Corps began to make their way to shore. The an additional 674 fatalities from the airborne
2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment made up units dropped behind the beach.
the first wave, arriving at 6:30 A.M. The 1st
Omaha Beach was more heavily defended
Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment made up the than the Americans had expected, resulting in
second wave, arriving at 6:35 A.M. on Tare it becoming the bloodiest of the beach landGreen and Uncle Red sectors of the beach. The ings. Due to sand flats that prevented the landthird wave comprised Sherman tanks that ing craft from getting closer to shore, these
were designed to float across the water from men had to wade through water that was often
their landing crafts all the
up to their shoulders. Few
way to shore.
radios worked, as they had
... these men had to wade
The beach was secured
been exposed to seawater,
through water that was
by the end of the day,
and officers trying to reoroften up to their
although not all of the
ganize their men were
objectives were met since
often shot.
shoulders. Many
they had to march some
Sherman tanks were
drowned, while others
2,000 yards after strong
supposed to support both
were killed by enemy fire. flanks, but most of those
on the right sank on their
way to shore. Since many
of the landing craft were unable to reach shore,
most of the artillery pieces did not make it.
The eventual success came at the cost of
more than 1,200 men killed of those who
landed on Omaha the first day.
As bloody as Omaha Beach had been, by the
end of June 6, the troops had moved inland,
and were dug in, prepared to hold what they
had gained throughout the day.
The Allies had successfully pushed off their
beaches on D-Day, but the fighting had only
just begun. The weeks that would follow would
ultimately decide the success or failure of the
Normandy invasion. ✪
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 1
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 2
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 3
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 4
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 5
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 6
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 7
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 8
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 9
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 10
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 11
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 12
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 13
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 14
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 15
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 16
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 17
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 18
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 19
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 20
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 21
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 22
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 23
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 24
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 25
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 26
The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 27
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The Final Salute: National D-Day Memorial June 4-9, 2019 - 32