39 42 perfect Cable Mill and lots of wildlife (cadescove.net). Just outside Townsend, Tennessee, it's also one of the most visited spots of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 12. Climb the Sunsphere. You'll seen it from the traffictied interstate highway. The Sunsphere pops out of the horizon of Knoxville, Tennessee alongside the city's tallest buildings. But have you reached the top? This 266-foothigh golden globe remains a shrine to that time in 1982, when Knoxville hosted the World's Fair (worldsfairpark. org). Look for history displays and a spectacular 360-degree view. 13. Reach the top of a tower. Lookout towers range from platforms in national forests to decades-old fire towers. Among the many, check out: * Big Walker Lookout stands along US-52 between Wytheville and Bluefield in Virginia. The 100-foot-high tower overlooks portions of the Appalachian Trail in the Jefferson National Forest and includes ice cream at the BW Country Store with live music on warm weekends (scenicbeauty-va. com/276-663-4016). * In West Virginia, the Spruce July/August 2016 49http://www.cadescove.net