The Cabin in the Hotel The long-held theory that a hotel had been built around a Trail 0f Tears-era cabin was finally verified as true in 2011. Since then, the cabin has been revealed to have been the home of a Cherokee man named Avery Vann, brother of Chief James Vann. by Kim Jarrett R umors and whispers abounded about the old Webster-Green Hotel in downtown Cave Spring, Georgia, that a cabin was part of the dilapidated structure. The building had been home to an antique shop and a nursery. During the Civil War, a post office was located there. But the residents of Cave Spring, who show their love for history and mystery by holding ghost tours every year, clung to the possibility that the building held a more mysterious past yet uncovered. In 2010 a restoration crew peeled away the layers of the old hotel and the story of what was beneath. The two-story log cabin inside the hotel began a journey for the residents of this northwest Georgia town of about 1,000 people that culminated in the restoration of the cabin. In the six years since the More