The book "Rocky Fork: Hidden Jewel of the Blue Ridge," by David Arthur Ramsey, with photos by Ramsey and Jerry D. Greer, celebrates the long process of preservation of some 10,000 acres on the border of Unicoi and Greene counties in northeastern Tennessee. David Ramsey, who grew up in the area and whose family has lived there for five generations back, tells the story of the nearly 15-year battle to save the land, and of the heroes of that fight. The state park that now rests on 2,036 of those acres was renamed in January for one of those who worked to save the land: Lamar Alexander Rocky Fork State Park. Also, see page 66 for David Ramsey's Guest Column on Rocky Fork. The 120-page book is $19.95. To order: The peaks and ridges of Rocky Fork and Rich Mountain are viewed here from Unicoi County's Unaka Mountain Overlook. MARCH/APRIL 2019 55