Cake P A R T Y ! G OR G EOUS C A K ES A R E A WO N DE R F U L WAY TO TR E AT G U E STS (A N D YOUR SELV ES! ) A ND S H A R E YO U R FAVO R I TE F L AVO R S . The Cutest Cake Topper High fives all around to making guests smile. CLARK-NYE WEDDING, PAGE 38 Kemper Mills Fant Photography Natural Beauty This three-tiered dessert is almost a modern naked cake, with just enough detail to make it pop. HALL-BURCH WEDDING, PAGE 36 Audrey Ruth Photography 14 | bridebook 2019 Football Fun These chocolate-covered strawberries share a love of football as well as good taste. Yum! LAMBERT-SOUCEK WEDDING, PAGE 62 Diana Elizabeth Photography