Meet the P A R E N T S THESE SP EC I A L M OM EN TS WI TH MO M S A N D DA DS W I L L B E S O ME O F YO U R MOST T R EASUR ED M EM OR I ES A N D P H OTOS . A N D I F DA D ' S C RY I N G , FO R G E T A BOUT I T - STOC K UP ON TH OS E TI SS U E S B E FO R E H I S F I R ST LO O K ! Down the Aisle We just know he's choking up as he walks his baby towards her future husband! All Smiles No one can help you get ready quite like Mom. WILLIS-FULLER WEDDING, PAGE 56 Lindsay Rickards Photography WEBB-MILLER WEDDING, PAGE 52 Tara Lilly Design and Photography A Sweet Dance Mom cherishes the dance with her newly married son. BRAMMER-PATTERSON WEDDING, PAGE 44 Meredith Sledge Photography 22 | bridebook 2019 A Sweet Moment We'll hold our tears as Dad looks lovingly at his sweet girl. SCHAFFERNOTH-YUNGER WEDDING, PAGE 54 Jordan Baker Photography