Queue the F I R E W O R K S BECAUSE ALL NEWLYWEDS DESERVE THE RED CARPET TREATMENT AS THEY'RE WHISKED AWAY TO THEIR NEW LIVES TOGETHER! FROM FIREWORKS AND SPARKLERS TO BUBBLES AND CONFETTI, WE LOVE THESE CUTE WAYS TO END A GREAT DAY. Smiles and Sparkles Feel like a celebrity as you walk between sparkling rows of your favorite people. SINGLETON-GRAB WEDDING, PAGE 26 Tara Lilly Design and Photography Ultimate Fireworks An enormous fireworks display makes for a beautiful wedding day ending. Celebrate! Now this looks like a successful day with happy newlyweds walking off to their next adventure! GEORGE-COOKE WEDDING, PAGE 48 Lori Hedrick Photography WILLIS-FULLER WEDDING, PAGE 56 Lindsay Rickards Photography Seeing Fireworks A sweet kiss may end the night, but is the start of your new life as husband and wife. Colorful and Bright Glow sticks are another fun send-off, especially for photos! EDWARDS-BECKNER WEDDING, PAGE 42 Pat Cori Photography CLARK-NYE WEDDING, PAGE 38 Kemper Mills Fant Photography bridebookVA.com | 67http://www.bridebookVA.com