Exciting E X I T S IF THE PA RT Y M UST COM E TO A N E N D, I T M I G H T AS W E L L G O O U T I N STY L E ! Colorful Fun Glowsticks are a fun way to wave goodbye to the happy newlyweds. A Kiss Before Midnight Sparklers are a classic way to bid the couple adieu for the evening. EICHENLAUB-FLYNN WEDDING, PAGE 34 Amy Ellis Photography GARBER-WHEELER WEDDING, PAGE 56 Carly C Photography Celebration Central The bride and groom are all smiles - and cheers as they wrap up an amazing day. It always flies by! One More Kiss Before We Go Say goodbye to your guests - and hello to your new (finally!) spouse! MCMAHAN-WELCH WEDDING, PAGE 44 Kristie Lea Photography GREGORY-CUMMINS WEDDING, PAGE 46 Sincerely Anna Marie 68 | bridebook 2020