Special Adver tising Section grams that meet the diverse needs of businesses and industries. Courses include topics such as, sustainability and agri-business, leadership development, lean six sigma, hearing conservation, OSHA safety, and project management certification. Visit vtrc.vt.edu or contact Kay Dunkley at 540-767-6103 to learn more about accessing the rich resources of Virginia Tech. ORDER YOUR VIRGINIA PARKWAY TAG TODAY! A Toolkit for 21st Century Leaders * * * * Join the growing number of Virginians displaying their pride in the Blue Ridge Parkway. * * Sponsored by FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway, this new tag is a perfect way to show your support for preserving and protecting America's Favorite Scenic Drive. To order call the office at 540.772.2992 or place your order online at: www.BlueRidgeFRIENDS.org or directly through Virginia DMV. For additional or customized program information, contact Kay Dunkley at kdunkley@vt.edu or 540-767-6103 108 N. Jefferson St*Suite 701*Roanoke, VA 24016* THE R OANOKER.COM JULY/AUGUST 2014 35http://www.vtrc.vt.edu http://www.BlueRidgeFRIENDS.org http://www.THEROANOKER.COM