7 for baseball and the rest of the pro sports panoply 11. The Roanoke Valley's freshwater fishing can't be beat. Whether pulling rainbow and brown trout at a bevy of stocked streams within an hour of the city, searching for striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake or catching a record musTHEROANOKER.COM JOHN PARK 12 KAT I E L ARRI NG T ON 29 JOHN PARK 19 kellunge in the New River, there's plenty of opportunity to get your line wet. 12. Hockey returns to Roanoke for the 2016-17 season. A team in the Southern Professional Hockey League will play at the Berglund Center for the first time since the woeful Roanoke Valley Vipers lastJANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016 | 25http://www.THEROANOKER.COM