AGING | PARENTAL CARE Above: Sandra McCown: "Old hurts melt away, and the clarity of needing to make it right comes through. Mom and I made it right. We are at peace." Below: Kathleen Boggs (with daughters Brucie and Sara): " . . . So many precious memories of a woman who loved poetry and . . . to sing." THEROANOKER.COM caretakers. * Of those cared for, 43.5 million are older than 50 and 14.9 million have Alzheimer's Disease. * The value of the care is $450 billion a year, up a third in the five years before the study was completed in 2012. * Most of the care-givers (66 percent) are women and their average age is 48. The number of men in the role of care-giver is increasing. * Women do the hard work (toilet, bath, dressing), while men often concern themselves with the finances and the like. Women put 22 hours a week into care on average and men 17.4. "Goals of care mean different things to different JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016 | 37http://www.THEROANOKER.COM