FROM THE EDITOR Kurt Rheinheimer As the National Park Service celebrates its 100th anniversary, here are 16 great get-out-and-do's to help celebrate the August 25 birthday. SARAH HAUSER 16 Candles for the Park Service Cake Sharp Top The iconic Peaks of Otter hike lost out to FLANKED AS WE ARE, here in the Roanoke Metro, by the Blue Ridge Parkway on one side and the Appalachian Trail on the other, we may have as concentrated a set of National Park highlight spots as anywhere. Our 16 candles for the big cake break down this way: eight along the Appalachian National Scenic Trail (yes, a National Park Service property), six just off the Blue Ridge Parkway and two at Booker T. Washington National National Monument. Flat Top on our list of top 16 things to do in National Parks in the Roanoke area. APPALACHIAN TRAIL * Climb Sinking Creek Mountain from Va. 621 to the Eastern Continental Divide; about 7.5 miles out and back. OK views, but the Divide sign is the cool thing. * Climb Brush Mountain from Va. 620 to the Audie Murphy Monument; about 7.5 miles out and back. Nice lunch spot with views and a decorated monument for a decorated veteran. * Take the Dragon's Trail from More 10 | JULY/AUGUST 2016 THEROANOKER.COMhttp://www.THEROANOKER.COM