Virginia Tech Carilion Medical Center The impressive face is emblematic of its excellence, and a preview of the coming $67 million building to double the center's size. Roanoke: A Growing EDUCATION CENTER STORY AND PHOTOS BY DAN SMITH The combined forces and inspired leadership from the likes of Virginia Western, Virginia Tech-Carilion School of Medicine, along with the soon-to-turn-175 pillars of Hollins University and Roanoke College have poised the Roanoke Valley for a major higher-ed leap. THEROANOKER.COM TWO RECENT blaring headlines have underscored what many have been saying for several years now: Roanoke is becoming a center for higher education. No, the Star City does not house a major university, and research is limited. It is not home to 25,000 infrastructure-straining students, and higher education's economic impact does not yet run into the high nine figures. But the growth is undeniable, the energy high, the intercollegiate cooperation unprecedented and the nationJULY/AUGUST 2016 | 21http://www.THEROANOKER.COM