TA K E A T O U R A R O U N D WILLIAMSON ROAD Gonzalez-Perez's cakes are also yummy. She bakes and decorates them in the Cuban style, offering flavors such as pineapple, coffee, guava and coconut, to name a few. Her icing is fluffy without being sugary, and the cake itself is moist and flavorful. On the wall of Cuban Island hangs a f ramed article written by G o n z a l e z - Pe r e z telling her and her husband's story of leaving Cuba for a better life in the United States. "My All AboArd! Next Stop, FAmily-FrieNdly diNiNg s ing Awar Din 2017 d Silver Sun-Thurs 11:00AM - 9:00PM Fri-Sat 11:00AM - 10:00PM Near Tanglewood Mall 3830 Franklin Road, Roanoke, VA 24014 540-989-4675 TheGreat611SteakCo.com TheRoanoker.com MAY/JUNE 2018 121http://www.TheGreat611SteakCo.com http://goeatichiban.com http://www.TheRoanoker.com