3. The course: Kinderton Country Club in Clarksville. Go see: Nearby Buggs Island Lake, with fishing, boating and lodging. SO 4. The courses: Richmond's top golf offerings of Hunting Hawk, The Crossings and Independence clubs. Go see: The state capital's unrivaled history, culture and dining. Bay Creek Resort, Cape Charles CN 2. The course: Willowbrook Country Club in Breaks. Go see: Nearby and stunning Breaks Interstate Park, a 4,600-acre mountain wonderland with varied lodging options and a five-mile 1,650-foot gorge called "The Grand Canyon of the South." HOA OUR GOLFERS AGREE THE BREATHTAKING VIEWS are welcome distractions. Check out our Stay and Play Golf Packages! Book now at WintergreenResort.com or 888-328-0996. 58 Go to Virginia. org/golf for more information on courses, and order free directory listing all Virginia public courses and contact information. `http://www.WintergreenResort.com