Visit the MACS Worldwide blog
We’ve been spending this column showing you some automotive related inaccuracies on the Web; now we want to show you some of the good things, namely the social media communities the Mobile Air Conditioning Society (MACS) Worldwide maintains as a value-added benefit to our members and the industry. Over the last few years, MACS has expanded its online presence and has added a blog site. The MACS Worldwide blog can be viewed at http://macsworldwide. The purpose of the blog is to inform automotive service personnel and motorists alike on the proper use and maintenance of mobile air conditioning and engine cooling systems. As you may have read previously, bad information is abundant on the web particularly as it relates to refrigerant use and refrigerant regulatory issues. We post new material at least three times a week and you can easily subscribe to have new posts sent to your e-mail box each time we post. The MACS blog has been viewed over 75,000 times from all points of the globe and averages about 150-200 views a day. The most common term searched for on the blog is “receiver-drier”, and a close second is “1234yf.” Take advantage of the relevant, timely information MACS posts and subscribe today. If you would like to send us a post of relevant material for the MACS blog e-mail ❆
Reader Reply No. 001
ACTION • July/August 2012
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ACtion Magazine - July 2012