Save time and money While you work on something else The newest Robinair A/C machines recover more 134a or 1234yf refrigerant than the competition. Combined with automatic functions you can recover, recycle and recharge more refrigerant ZKLOHͤ[LQJDQRWKHUYHKLFOH Visit Robinair Booth 318 for more information on our new A/C recovery machines, vacuum pumps, manifold gauges and leak detectors. 9LVLW5RELQDLUFRPWRVHHWKHIXOOOLQHRI$&UHFRYHU\ PDFKLQHVIRU5DDQG\I 5RELQDLU$&VHUYLFHWRROVDQGHTXLSPHQWDUHVROG WKURXJKGLVWULEXWLRQSDUWQHUVUHVHOOHUVDQGUHWDLOHUV 9LVLWbURELQDLUFRPWRͤQGDSDUWQHUQHDU\RX 34788NI shown ROBINAIR.COM 800.533.6127